Prospectus: A Literary Offering Prospectus Logo

Ordering Prospectus

By supporting Prospectus, you help us make it possible for new poets and prosists to be read and heard.

The price of Prospectus is $15 (US) per issue. Issue 5 (Winter/Spring 2022) is now available in print.

Please make your check (drawn on US bank or credit union) or money order payable to Hamby Stern Publishing—NOT to the magazine. Make sure to include your name, mailing address, and phone number (in case we have any questions about your order). Our mailing address is:

Hamby Stern Publishing
241 SW 64TH CT
Miami FL 33144-3149

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Gift Issues: Prospectus is a unique, thoughtful, and economical gift. For gift issues, please include a list of recipients' names and mailing addresses, and a check for the appropriate amount.

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